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Khẩn cấp
Sudden deafness or Sudden Sensori Neural Hearing Loss (SSHL): hearing loss of at least 30 dB over at least three test frequencies occurring within 3 days ‘period.
What Causes sudden deafness?
The etiology of most cases of SSHL is uncertain, the following have been associated with SSHL:
- Infection viral (eg mumps, varicella/zoster, parainfluenza….)
- Trauma: Temporal bone fracture, barotraumas, noise exposure
- Ototoxic drugs: aminoglycoside antimicrobials, Diuretics, Salicylastes ,NSAIDs, antineoplastics
- Acoustic neurioma
- Autoimmune disease
- Vascular disorder
What is sudden deafness symptom?
- SSHL starts with a rapidly progressive hearing impairment, either suddenly or within a few hours, often when the person wakes up. Patient lose hearing (often unilateral), have a feeling that the ear is clogged, tinitus in ear.
- Sensorineural hearing loss at least 30dB with three test frequencies
- Vertigo
How is sudden deafness treated?
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss has been called an otologic emergency and need to be treated as soon as possible. Some treatment solutions:
- Anti–inflammatory agent: Corticoteroids are the primary anti inflammatory agent used to treat SSHL
- Anti viral agents
- Vasodilator
- Hyperbaric oxygen
- Oral magnesium, Zinc…
- Treatment for cause
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