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Vitamin D is essential for healthy bone growth and preventing rickets, a condition that causes weak or deformed bones. However, children can be deficient in vitamin D and early signs of deficiency are often unclear and difficult to detect with the naked eye. According to MMed, Dr. Pham Cong Luan – Head of Pediatrics – Neonatology Department said: More than 90% of cases of pediatric general health check at American International Hospital (AIH) detect vitamin D deficiency from mild to severe, at many different ages. Not only infants, but older children aged 08 – 15 are still at risk of potential vitamin D deficiency.

Usually children are mildly deficient in vitamin D, externally children still develop normally physically, their height still meets the age standard. However, when the disease is manifested through obvious signs, children are at risk of rickets, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, motor retardation... is very high if not detected early. When determining that children are deficient in vitamin D, parents should not supplement themselves by taking drugs, but need to take them to the doctor, determine the level of deficiency, from which there are appropriate and timely vitamin D supplementation indications.

► Importance of vitamin D
  • Vitamin D plays a very important role in the development of a healthy skeleton and the prevention of rickets. Especially for children, vitamin D supplementation is essential. It plays an important role in building bone structure through calcium and phosphorus delivery mechanisms. At the same time, vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus through the gastrointestinal tract. At the bone, vitamin D and parathyroid hormone stimulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism, increasing calcium deposition of bones. Therefore, an adequate amount of vitamin D in the body is an essential condition for calcium and phosphorus to be attached in bone tissue. In addition, vitamin D is an important substance that helps regulate the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
  • Vitamin D helps children strengthen their immune system and prevent SARS-CoV-2. Vitamin D enhances the immune response through its ability to fight inflammation and regulate immunity, in addition to having an essential function in activating the protective barrier of the immune system. Vitamin D is known for its role in enhancing the function of immune cells, including T cells and macrophages, which help the body fight pathogens. Some recent studies also show the relationship and ability to support the immune system against SARS-CoV-2 of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with increased susceptibility to infections, diseases, and immune disorders. For example, low vitamin D levels increase the risk of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as bacterial infections and respiratory viral infections. At the same time, low vitamin D levels are also associated with reduced lung function, thereby reducing the body's ability to fight respiratory infections.
  • Adequate vitamin D supplementation helps reduce the number of exacerbations of asthma. Vitamin D deficiency will increase the risk of asthma, affect the functioning of the lungs and worsen children's asthma. Children who are getting enough vitamin D can improve their asthma by blocking inflammatory proteins in their lungs and increasing the production of a protein with anti-inflammatory effects. In contrast, when children are deficient in vitamin D, it is often more difficult to control asthma attacks.

► Signs that your child is vitamin D deficient

Vietnam is one of the countries with a very high vitamin D deficiency rate with 62.1% of children in urban areas and 53.7% of children in rural areas. Some early to late signs that a child is deficient in Vitamin D:

Early signs: Signs of nervous system such as frequent fussiness, restless sleep, etc.; Children sweat a lot at night; Children are slow to develop physical strength, blue skin... Most of the early signs as above are difficult to detect with the naked eye, which can be mistaken for signs of other diseases.
Late signs: Many signs of changes in a child's bones after a lack of vitamin D in a few months or more such as: Delayed tooth eruption, crawling delay, delayed walking; Cranial deformity, soft skull... When children experience rickets, they will see deformed legs and delayed physical development, which may leave sequelae as they grow up.

► Consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency

In children, vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, causing bones to become soft, weak, deformed and painful; affecting lung function and making asthma worse. At the same time, in case of vitamin D deficiency, children are at risk of cardiovascular diseases, allergies, affecting oral health... At the American International Hospital (AIH), all newborns are given vitamin D supplements from the first days after birth, helping them to be healthier and stronger, preventing rickets and abnormalities caused by vitamin D deficiency.

► How to prevent vitamin D deficiency in children that parents should know

Supplement vitamin D for children through foods: eggs, milk, fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, oysters, shrimp, cereals, fruits, mushrooms... At the same time, maintaining a reasonable and scientific diet, meeting the necessary nutritional groups for children.

Let children participate in outdoor sports activities. This not only replenishes vitamin D naturally but also enhances children's health through physical activities.

Although vitamin D is essential for children, parents should not supplement their own vitamin D without the advice and prescription of a doctor. At the same time, children need to be determined the specific level of deficiency, from which a reasonable amount of vitamin D supplement can be determined, avoiding inadequate supplementation or excess vitamin D dosage. The determination of vitamin D deficiency level should be carried out through tests in the periodic pediatric general health check program.

The pediatric general health check package at American International Hospital (AIH) is developed to suit each child's age. Through this package, children are also closely monitored and cared for, helping parents understand their child's development. Above all, children are screened and detected early for abnormal diseases, thereby having timely care and treatment interventions, ensuring their long-term health as adults. Contact Hotline (028) 3910 9999 or INBOX Fanpage for more details on health check packages. 

The Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, American International Hospital (AIH) provides a full range of pediatric medical examination and treatment services, including: General health check; vaccination; monitoring the physical and mental development of children; nutrition counseling; and diagnostic and treatment services.

The Pediatric ward at AIH is divided into two separate areas: the one for healthy children and the one for sick children, with the purpose of channeling patients to avoid cross-infection. When children come to the hospital with suspected symptoms, they will be taken to a separate examination area, so that the disease can be selected and isolated from the beginning.

For checkup and consultation at AIH:
☎️ Hotline: (028) 3910 9999 
🌏 Website: 
📍 Address: (Entrance from 199 Nguyen Hoang Street) No.6, Bac Nam 3 Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

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